To make sure you don’t have any issues with your heating system this winter, there are things you can do now to ensure uninterrupted heating of your home throughout the cold season. Doing so will also help you save money on your utility bills. Don’t wait till it’s freezing outside to discover you have a problem that could have easily been taken care of.
Changing of Air Filters, Cleaning & Checking Alignment of Furnace Burners & Oiling Furnace Blower
The air filter on your heating system should be changed on a regular basis. How often this is done may be different for each home depending in the needs of that home. Having pets, allergy sufferers and excess dust floating around will require more frequent changing but every two months is a good rule of thumb. There shouldn’t ever be any dust or debris on the air filter. Over the summer it’s normal for dust to buildup on the furnace burners. They need to be clean before you start using the furnace and be inspected for rust or areas that are out of alignment. It’s important that all the parts of your furnace are functioning properly. One way to make sure this is happening is to make sure the furnace blower is oiled as it’s a big part of the way your furnace works. Oil it once a year and call for service if it’s noisy when it starts up.
Checking the Thermostat, Heating Vents & Chimney
The thermostat needs to work correctly in order for your heating system to, so make sure it starts right away once it’s turned on. If it doesn’t, then you need to call for service. The heating vents in your home need to be checked also. Make sure they aren’t blocked by furniture or toys. If the air works harder to push through the vents, it’s putting a strain on your heating system which can lead to higher heating bills. Items that are blocking the vents become potential fire hazards too. It’s also a good idea to take a look at the chimney. Many times birds, rodents or wildlife pests may decide to build nests in them and will cause obstructions. You should also look for soot buildup that can cause fires. It may even be a good idea to have a professional come in if your chimney hasn’t been inspected in a while for a thorough cleaning.
Furnace & Boilers Heating Preventative Maintenance, Emergency Repairs, Installation & Replacement in Springfield, Granby, Holyoke, South Hadley, Monson, Chicopee City & Agawam Massachusetts
It’s a good idea to have your furnace looked at every other year. During an inspection you can find out ways to maintain it. You will also be told of any issues that need to be taken care of along with any issues that could possibly cause a fire in your home. Maintenance is always better than a repair or replacement. As the weather starts to cool and people start to think about their heating system, the professionals get busy, so don’t wait too long to call. Call Ambient Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule an appointment.