In an effort to save you money on your electric bill, be better for the environment, last longer, and ultimately make your home more comfortable; comes from owning an energy efficient HVAC system. It is important for a number of reasons. Unfortunately, some consumers do not if their current HVAC unit, or one you are thinking about buying, is energy efficient. Today, we at Ambient Heating & Air Conditioning would like to discuss ways to tell if your HVAC unit is truly energy efficient.
How Do I Know My SEER Rating?
Used to measure the energy efficiency of your air conditioner is the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating. Over a typical cooling season divided by the amount of energy it uses in Watt-Hours is the ratio of your air conditioner’s cooling output. Usually found in your AC’s user manual or on the unit itself, is the SEER Rating. The minimum standard rating in the Southern US is 14 and modern air conditioners typically have a SEER rating between 13 – 22. Your SEER rating could be as low as an 8 or 9 if you have an older air conditioner unit. The more efficient the system, the higher the rating.
Find AFUE Rating
The ratio of the furnace’s annual heat output compared to the total annual fossil fuel energy burned is an AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rating is used to measure the efficiency of furnaces. An AFUE of 90% means that 90% of the fuel you use actually heats your home and the other 10% is consumed during the heating process for instance. For new furnaces, the minimum standard is 78%. Considered highly energy efficient and will save you money over time is an AFUE rating of 90% and above.
What Does it Mean to Be Energy Star Certified?
To help consumers identify products that save money and protect the environment by having superior energy efficiency, the US Environmental Protection Agency created the ENERGY STAR program. Your AC unit must be at least a 14.5 SEER in order to meet ENERGY STAR specifications and gas furnaces must have a AFUE of at least 90%, and oil furnaces must be at least 85%. You can save you 20% or more on your energy bills with HVAC units marked with an ENERGY STAR label.
Look for Red Flags of Inefficiency
Simply by judging from your own experience can be another way you can tell if your current HVAC unit is energy efficient or not. The less likely it is energy efficient, the older your HVAC system is. The chances are good that your HVAC unit is not as energy efficient as it should be if you have high energy bills, have to frequently get your system repaired, note increased humidity in your home, or feel hot or cold spots as well.
AC Maintenance, Repairs, Replacement, Emergency Repairs & More in Springfield, Granby, Holyoke, South Hadley, Monson, Chicopee & Agawam, Massachusetts
With routine maintenance, make certain to keep your HVAC system running as efficiently as possible. It may be time to consider a new energy efficient HVAC system if you have an older HVAC system and are tired of your monthly energy bills going through the roof. When it comes to your air conditioning needs, including repairs, replacements, installations, and maintenance services, Ambient Heating & Air Conditioning is readily available to assist you. Call us today!