When we find ourselves in the heat of the summer, the last thing that anyone has time for is a broken AC. This is why it is important to know enough about your unit that you know when it is time to replace it. For many people, they aren’t sure what signs it’s time to replace the AC look like. Knowing the signs can help you make that choice before you are forced to make it because your AC system has stopped working completely. Ambient Heating & Air Conditioning is here to talk about the signs of an AC unit that needs to be replaced with a newer, more efficient one.
Age of AC Unit
The number one thing that you need to know is the age of your unit. For most people, they can get about 15-20 years out of an AC unit before they need to replace it. If yours is approaching this age, you are going to need to be prepared for replacement at any given moment. The older your unit is, the less efficient it is going to be. So keep this in mind.
Frequent AC Repairs
Another common sign that your AC is on its way out is being faced with constant repairs. Of course, there are going to be repairs that are needed through the years with any AC system. However, if the repairs seem to be endless and are getting more and more expensive, you might need to think about replacing the unit rather than dumping more money into repairs.
Rising Energy Bills
When you look at your energy bills each month, there should be a portion of it that shows you what you paid for energy over the course of the last 12 months. If you are using significantly more energy this year than you did last, it could be due to an AC system that is old and inefficient. There are technology advancements that can make it much cheaper to keep your home cool. Not only that, but your unit will slowly lose efficiency as it ages.
Indoor Discomfort
If you have noticed that you are all of a sudden starting to feel less comfortable in your home, it could be because your AC system isn’t cooling your home properly. As your unit ages, it can start to work less consistently which can lead to more discomfort in the summer months.
Strange Noises & Smells
You shouldn’t notice any strange noises or smells coming from your AC either. This is usually indicative of a problem somewhere that needs to be dealt with. When you leave these things unfixed, your problems will only get larger.
Central Air Conditioner Maintenance, Repairs, Replacement, Emergency Repairs & More in Springfield, Granby, Holyoke, South Hadley, Monson, Chicopee & Agawam, Massachusetts
If you have an older AC and are wondering if it is time to replace it, you can call on the professionals at Ambient Heating & Air Conditioning to come take a look. We will help you solve all of your AC woes with our highly trained team of qualified technicians. Call us today!