What kind of thermostat do you have? Before the age of digital everything your thermostat was probably analog. These were usually a round thermostat that was attached to the wall and could be adjusted with a twist of the dial. The numbers were small and you had to try to get the arrow to point to what temperature you want. The problem was always that you couldn’t be specific and you could not set any adjustments for future times. You had to manually go back at different times of the day and make the change you want. When the thermostats took a turn into the digital age they became more and more specialized.
Ambient Heating and Air Conditioning has prepared a list of what the benefits of a digital thermostat are:
Options: The first thing that you need to know is what options are available on your thermostat and what you can do with them. If you don’t have a digital thermostat make sure that you ask the technician how to use the new thermostat that is installed. They should also be able to leave a how to book that goes over all the options. After you know what you can do, you can understand the benefits.
Temperature: One of the most amazing ways that a digital thermostat is great for everyone is the fact that they are programmable; you can set the temperature for future times. The temperature use to be a guessing game and now they can set it to an exact number temperature. This means that you get exactly what you want.
Timer: Another way that a digital thermostat is a good idea is because you now have the ability to set a timer. That means that if you want to have a temperature during the day while you are out to work or school you can set it a few degrees higher to save some energy. Then it can be set to automatically change over to a lower more comfortable temperature. You can also set each day specifically and have different temperatures set for weekends when you may be spending more time at home.
Energy Efficient: Being energy efficient is something that is on a lot of people minds, and most people want to do their best to save energy and try to live a little greener. An even better part is that it saves you money on your power bill. When you are able to not have to worry about the temperature change and you know that it will adjust to save the unit from being over worked you can rest easy that you are saving money.
Professional HVAC & Thermostat Service in Springfield MA
If you don’t have a digital thermostat or you have one that is not working properly call Ambient Heating and Air Conditioning for an appointment to have a thermostat installed or make the necessary repairs.