What Color Should Furnace Flames Be & How to Fix an Orange Flame in Granby, MA?

When it comes to maintaining your furnace, there are several aspects of the furnace that you need to keep an eye on. If you know what you’re looking for in signs of trouble with your furnace, it can help you avoid large furnace issues that can lead you to no heat. One thing to keep an eye on in your furnace is the furnace flame. You can tell a lot from the color of this flame in your furnace. Ambient Heating & Air Conditioning is here to talk about what your furnace flame and its color can mean for the health of the furnace.

A Blue Flame is Ideal

The ideal flame color inside your furnace is blue. When the flam is blue, it means that combustion is efficient in your furnace. The natural gas that it uses to heat your house is burned completely. This means that there is no wasted fuel, it is being burned completely, and the maximum amount of heat is being generated with little to no waste. When the flame is blue, it also means that there is no risk of harmful levels of carbon monoxide that is being released into the home. When you have a blue flame and your furnace is working so efficiently, it can help to extend the life of the appliance. It can help you rest easy in knowing that your furnace is providing your home a safe, comfortable environment.

What Factors Can Change the Color of Your Furnace Flame?

The composition of the gas being burned in your furnace is the biggest factor that impacts the color of the furnace flame. However, there are other factors to consider as well. One thing that can impact the color of your furnace flame is the cleanliness of the burner. When the burner isn’t clean, it can cause the flame to start to take on a green hue. A dirty burner doesn’t allow the flow of gas and air to complete the combustion process. If airflow is restricted, it results in a richer fuel mixture. Cleaning the burner and adjusting the airflow go hand in hand and have a large impact on your furnace flame.

What a Yellow or Orange Flame Means

If you ever notice that the flame in your furnace is yellow or orange, it isn’t something to ignore. It can mean that there is a serious problem with your unit. It usually means that the fuel isn’t getting burned entirely. It is a clear indicator that there is carbon monoxide that could be leaking into your home.

Central Heating Furnace & Boiler Maintenance, Repairs, Replacement, Emergency Repairs & More in Springfield, Granby, Holyoke, South Hadley, Monson, Chicopee & Agawam, Massachusetts

If you have noticed that there is a yellow or orange flame in your furnace, you can turn to Ambient Heating & Air Conditioning to get to the bottom of what could be the cause. We will work to fix it so that the heat produced by your furnace is safe for your home. Call us today!

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