What Happens if Your Furnace is Leaking Gas in Goshen, MA? Smells like Rotten Eggs & More

Gas furnaces are among the most popular because they are efficient, gas is an affordable fuel source, and they work reliably as they are extremely effective. However, gas furnaces do have their drawbacks, as with anything else. As an understandable fear about having a gas-burning appliance in the home, people are hesitant with gas furnaces…

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Is it Normal for a Furnace to Smell Like Burning Plastic, Sulfur, Dirty Socks or Mold in Chesterfield, MA?

Furnaces are commonly designed in a home’s HVAC system. For making the home warm and comfortable during the winter is the responsibility of the furnace. It is inevitably going to develop smells over time. Few smells can be harmless; however, some can suggest a serious issue. With this in mind, we at Ambient Heating &…

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