How Do You Deal with a Struggling Air Conditioner that is Running but Not Cooling in Hampden, MA?

There is probably no more important appliance in your home than your central air conditioner when it comes to summertime in Hampshire and Hamden County, Massachusetts. For your household’s comfort and quality of life, central cooling is essential. Additionally, one of those things that should only ever be serviced and installed by a professional, is…

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What is the Purpose of an Air Conditioning Liquid or Suction Line Filter Drier in East Longmeadow, MA?

The refrigerant is essential for the cooling process and a lot can go wrong. Most people are familiar with a refrigerant leak. However, that is not the only problem that can occur with the refrigerant system. Blockages can develop in the filter driers where the refrigerant passes through. Most are unfamiliar with the filter drier.…

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