Heating Through Winter
With a winter chill still coming off the Connecticut River and chilly temperatures hanging around for a while, Springfield residents are doing all they can to keep warm. Warmth is probably one of the greatest gifts we can give our children. Not only the warmth of our love, but also keeping their physical bodies warm. So this time of year, your home’s heating or furnace system is hard at work. Unfortunately, these systems don’t always see us through to the end of winter without experiencing failure to perform.
Furnace Maintenance: A Necessity
There are many reasons your heating system or furnace may need repair. Regular maintenance is necessary to keep your heating system in proper working order. Neglecting this task can result in unexpected breakdowns, an increase in energy costs and a whole lot of frustration. Many people believe they can scrimp on servicing their systems, but that can end up with you banging your head against a brick wall. Upkeep is a simple step to be taken, along with changing your filter on a regular basis. Preventative measures can prolong the life of your furnace and reduce the likelihood of costly furnace repairs and even premature furnace replacement.
Furnace Wear and Tear
Wear and tear happens with all heating systems. When mechanical parts of your furnace such as belts and bearings begin to break down, poor heating and air flow problems occur. Pilot or Ignition control parts also get worn down with time. And your capacitors may not have the proper capacitance. It’s important that your motor is running at proper amperage. Beware of thermostat problems, these can result in no heat, no fan to force the hot air through your home. Other maintenance issues that can cause decreased efficiency and increased likelihood of breakdown include dirty heat exchanger, sensors, burners, blower wheels, condensate trap, indoor ac coil and filters. These are small part problems with big problem consequences.
Comfort of Warmth
All of these are common issues that can be diagnosed by an Ambient Heating and Air Conditioning technician. The safety of your family during the heating season is our priority. Make an appointment today to have your system serviced so you can have the comfort of warmth for the remainder of the winter. Ambient Heating and Air Conditioning want the best for your home. Don’t wait for a breakdown to occur; contact us today!