Being that the HVAC industry uses so many acronyms, buying a new heating and cooling system can feel like you are treading in alphabet soup. For example, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning’s acronym is HVAC. Today, we at Ambient Heating & Air Conditioning would like to go over the most common acronyms considering the many involved.
What is a SEER for AC?
Seer is Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. Divided by the energy it uses in Watt-Hours, over a standard cooling season, the SEER calculates an air conditioning system’s cooling, which generally ranges from 13 to 22. Dictating to your region, the minimum SEER standards is enforced by the U.S. Department of Energy. It is common for the older cooling units have a SEER of 8 or less, where the new unit with the lowest available SEER would be a significant step up in comparison. The minimum requirement is 14 in southeastern states, including Massachusetts. For comfort as well as less costs in monthly cooling bills, you want the higher the SEER. Additionally, with combined technology with other ways to reduce energy consumption, like using thermal curtains, sealing windows, as well as adding insulation, you will save even more.
What Does AFUE Mean on a Furnace?
AFUE is the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency. When it comes time for searching for a new furnace, make certain to focus on the AFUE since it will play a large role in your annual heating costs. The efficiency of the use of fuel you heating system uses is measured by the AFUE ratio. If it converts 85% of fuel into heat, a furnace will have an AFUE of 85% for example. A minimum of AFUE of 80 is mandated for new furnaces to meet by the U.S. Department of Energy. The minimum standard is far exceeded in modern top-of-the-line models fortunately. An AFUE of 95% and higher is achieved with high-end heating systems, and very little is left to waste.
What is HSPF in HVAC?
The HSPF is the Heating Season Performance Factor. The HSPF measures the heat pump’s heating performance. The higher the HSPF makes the unit’s heating mode more efficient. The U.S. Department of Energy back, in 2015, the minimum energy efficiency standard for heat pumps to 8. You should be more concerned with, a heat pump’s SEER rating. Heating and cooling comfort is provided by heat pumps.
What is MERV for HVAC?
MERV is Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. The MERV rating is associated with air quality. According to the air filter’s performance is measured by how small of a particle it can capture. Being inexpensive, filters with a MERV of 4 to 6 can be thrown away and are capable of filtering out household dust and lint. It is designed primarily to protect your HVAC system from getting jammed up with debris. To improve your home’s indoor air, you’ll need a filter with a MERV of 8 to 13. With this MERV rating, contaminates like auto emissions, lead dust, and even certain airborne bacteria can be filtered out. The tight mesh screen would restrict a residential HVAC system’s airflow, though the filters with MERV ratings at the high end of the scale are hospital-grade.
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Commonly used in the HVAC industry, we hope this helped provide some understanding to the acronyms. For your HVAC contracting needs, contact the experts of Ambient Heating & Air Conditioning.