If you could prevent having problems with your furnace wouldn’t you take advantage of it? Who would want to spend money on a furnace? Unfortunately, problems happen all the time with a furnace whether you like it or not. But it all depends on how you take care of it. Ambient Heating & Air Conditioning wants to help give you some tips on how to help eliminate problems by just doing a few things on your own.
Change Furnace Filters
Even though it sounds super simple, you need to change for filters. That is where many people run into problems. They don’t realize they need to change their filters as often as you should. Your filters get dirty over time even within a month. If you let your filters go too long it can start causing problems with your furnace. If your filters are dirty it will restrict the airflow causing your furnace to work harder. This can cause the parts in your furnace to wear out quicker. It can also cause your furnace to overheat which then causes your furnace to short cycle.
You Shouldn’t Close Your Vents in Unused Rooms
To help you not use so much heat and help with your bill, you should close your vents, right? WRONG!! Something that many people don’t know is that you shouldn’t close your vents in rooms that you don’t use. If you close them then you could be causing problems with your furnace. It can disrupt the balance of your furnace making it work harder. When your furnace works harder it can increase your bills. It will also throw off the balance of the heat going through your home. And it can also make your heat exchanger crack, causing your furnace to leak carbon monoxide. So don’t close your vents to the rooms you aren’t using.
Keep Clearance Around Furnace
You want to make sure you keep around the furnace clean because if it is dirty it can be letting dirt and debris into your home. It is also safer to keep it clean. A clean furnace will reduce the chance that it will overheat, reduce stress on the heat exchanger, and lower the risk of a furnace malfunction. When it is clean you will do fewer repairs on it. When it is dirty, it is forced to work harder and it could cause something to break on your furnace.
Get Routine Heating Tune Ups
The best thing you can do is schedule a tune-up. Have someone come to your home and check on your furnace. They can make sure that everything is running smoothly. Following these suggestions can ensure that you won’t have problems with your furnace.
Furnace & Boiler Heating Maintenance, Repairs, Replacement, Emergency Repairs & More in Springfield, Granby, Holyoke, South Hadley, Monson, Chicopee & Agawam, Massachusetts
Taking appropriate precautions to prevent furnace problems with your furnace will give your furnace a better chance of running smoothly. And don’t forget to call Ambient Heating & Air Conditioning if you suspect something is wrong with your heating system. We will come out and fix any heating problem you are having.