The spring time weather brings on a slew of different things. One of them being the beautiful, warmer weather and the bonus that our days get a little bit longer. It also brings the plants to life. The weather getting warms tells the plants and flowers it is time to get to work. They start to blossom and bloom and can be a real pain for people that have trouble with allergies. This has become a real problem earlier than normal this year and isn’t just a problem outside; it can become a problem for the air inside your own home too. You might be wondering how the air outside can cause trouble inside? Well this is the time of the season that you begin to turn on your Air Conditioning units. This can stir up the air and if the ducts and vents are not clean all the pollen and dust can be pushed around your home with the cool air circulating. Being able to have good air quality inside your home can help keep your family breathing easy. Ambient Heating & Air Conditioning specializes in air quality and ventilation services.
Improve your Indoor Air Quality
According to the EPA the indoor air quality can be five times worse than the air outdoors. There are several ways that can protect the air inside your home. Using these options can help your family breathe easy:
– Air purifiers can be used in rooms to keep the air fresh. They are usually sold as an individual unit that uses a specialized filter to treat the air that passes through it. It usually has two different functions when used. Not only is it purifying the air but is also helping cool off the air as well. You can also go with a broader option and have a whole house purifier installed. This can eliminate the need for individual units and can keep the air purified as it comes from the Air conditioning unit.
– Cleaning the ducts in your home is one of the ways that can help keep the air fresh. Most air ducts build up dust and debris throughout the year and can attribute to the poor air quality in the house. Air duct debris can also lead to mold growth which you cannot see unless you have it removed. Having them cleaned out can lead to cleaner air quality and can also help your unit room more efficiently.
– Hiring a professional HVAC Contractor to help with all your indoor air quality needs can be the most effective way to take care of any unwanted problems. Call Ambient Heating and Air Conditioning to make an appointment today for a consultation.