When it comes to our home, most homeowners do what they can to save money, in many cases, DIY projects are planned, people ensure maintenance is done to prevent early deterioration, and when it comes time to pick whether or not we repair or replace something, most prefer the cost of getting it fixed. When it comes to your furnace however, sometimes getting a replacement will ultimately save you more money in the long run. Today, we at Ambient Heating and Air Conditioning would like to take a moment to elaborate on repairing versus replacing your furnace.
My Furnace is 30 Years Old & Other Clues You Should Replace Rather than Repair
There is no set of rules that dictate whether or not you replace the furnace or simply repair, but if you consider the factors involved you can make a more informed decision as to whether or not you replace or repair your furnace. Below you will find the determining circumstances that will help you better decide which is better; repairing or replacing the furnace.
Furnace Carbon Monoxide Leak: Carbon monoxide is a silent killer. It is an odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas that can potentially cause fatalities with long-term exposure. If your furnace has a cracked combustion chamber it allows carbon monoxide to leak into your home and should always be replaced immediately, not repaired.
Symptoms of Cracked Furnace Heat Exchanger: Signs the furnace is likely emitting carbon monoxide include the list below. If you suspect carbon monoxide, you should contact a professional as soon as possible.
– Furnace burner flame is yellow instead of blue
– Rusty pipes
– Streaks of soot around the furnace
– Condensation the on walls, windows, and other surfaces
– Absence of upward draft in the chimney
– Experiencing nausea, headaches, disorientation, and other flu-like symptoms.
Age of Furnace: Furnace is over 15 years old. These days, a furnace can last between 15-30 years depending on the year and quality of the model and if you were diligent with proper maintenance and care, including scheduling professional tune-ups. When it comes to the end of your furnace’s lifespan, increased signs of wear will manifest. Typically, you will notice frequent need for repairs. If your furnace is less than 15 years repairing it might be more optimal, however if it is around or over 15 years, it might be in your better interest to have it replaced.
Furnace Repair Cost is Over Half Cost of Replacement. As a general guideline, experts recommend replacing your furnace when repair costs exceed 50% of the cost of a replacement. However, for older heating systems that have exceeded 75% of their life expectancy, you should consider a replacement if the repairs cost 1/3rd of the replacement cost.
Increased Cost to Operate Furnace. Due to changes in weather patterns along with supply and demand, heating costs fluctuate year to year. This will cause variations with the operating costs, but if you see unusual spikes from month to month that coincide with your furnace use, it indicates a problem. As the system ages, internal parts wear down, causing the furnace to run inefficiently. To compensate for the strained usage, the furnace requires more energy. When you notice these energy spikes, repairing is probably your better option if the inflation of cost is occurring on a unit under 15 years, but anything older should get the furnace replaced.
Furnace Troubleshooting, Repair & More in Springfield, Granby, Holyoke, South Hadley, Monson Chicopee & Agawam Massachusetts
These are just the basics. If you are ever unsure which option is best for your needs, Ambient Heating & Air Conditioning can help you way out your options and whether you need repairs or replacements, we are readily available. Contact us today!